My name is Mike Press and my wife is Holly Press. We live is Athens, Texas where we work, raise, and train Australian Shepherds. We currently train and trial 6 Australian Shepherds for agility. Holly first started in agility in 2002 with her first Australian Shepherd Reno. Soon after that she got me hooked on the sport and we have never looked back.
I got started by making equipment for our own use. As the sport grew I started making equipment for other agility enthusiasts as well. The business has grown so much that it is now mine and Holly’s full time job and we have a few part time employees. We have made equipment for people all over the country and Mexico for many clubs, training schools, and individuals.
Holly is the inspiration for the way I build my equipment today. Holly has Rheumatoid Arthritis and was unable to move or adjust the contact equipment on her own. I soon found out there was a great need for equipment that was easier to move and adjust with just 1 person. I started talking to trainers, clubs, and schools about how I was going to accomplish this and my equipment evolved from there. I love getting responses about how my customers were able move and adjust their equipment by themselves.
I am always looking for ways to evolve with the sport and continue to improve on our equipment to suit the needs of our customers. Please let us know if we can help fill your agility equipment needs.